[06/30] 인동덩굴 [忍冬, 허니서클, honeysuckle; Lonicera]손 가는 대로/꽃, 식물 2020. 6. 30. 01:07728x90
[06/30] 인동덩굴 [忍冬, 허니서클, honeysuckle; Lonicera]
학명(學名, binomial name): Lonicera
이명(異名): 인동, 忍冬, 눙박나무, 이화, 二花, 허니서클, honeysuckle
계(界, Kingdom): 식물계(Plantae)
문(門, Division): 속씨식물문, 피자식물문(Angiospermae), 현화식물문(Magnoliophyta, Anthophyta)
강(綱, Class): 쌍떡잎식물강, 쌍자엽식물강(Dicotyledoneae)
목(目, Order): 꼭두서니목(Rubiales), 산토끼꽃목(Dipsacales)
과(科, Family): 인동과(Caprifoliaceae)
속(屬, Genus): 인동덩굴속(Lonicera)
종(種, Species): Lonicera japonica 등 180여종
생활형: 반상록 여러해살이 덩굴식물꽃말: 사랑(love), 감사(gratitude), 감탄(appreciation); 사랑의 인연(love ties)
덩굴식물이며 밀원식물입니다. 인동(忍冬)이라는 이름은 겨울에도 곳에 따라 잎이 떨어지지 않기 때문에 붙여졌다고 합니다. 두개씩 쌍으로 핀다고 하여 이화(二花)라고도 합니다.
한약재명으로는 인동덩굴의 꽃봉우리를 금은화(金銀花)라고 하는데 처음 꽃이 폈을 때는 흰색, 즉 은색이고 꽃이 시들어 갈 무렵이면 노란색, 즉 금색으로 변하는 데서 유래되었다고 합니다. 淸熱(청열), 해독의 효능이 있다고 합니다.
•Lonicera [인동덩굴속; honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera albiflora [white honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera alpigena [alpine honeysuckle]: 열매(fruits): 여름(late summer); 빨강(brilliant red); 식용불가(inedible)
└·Lonicera arizonica [Arizona honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera caerulea [blue-berried honeysuckle, sweetberry honeysuckle, honeyberry, haskap berry]: 꽃: 노란빛 도는 하양(yellowish-white) | 열매(fruits): blue berry; 식용(edible)
└·Lonicera canadensis [American fly honeysuckle, Canadian fly honeysuckle]: 개화: 4월~5월 | 열매: 6월~8월
└·Lonicera caprifolium [goat-leaf honeysuckle, perfoliate honeysuckle, Italian woodbine, Italian honeysuckle, perfoliate woodbine]
└·Lonicera chrysantha [Chrysantha honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera ciliosa [orange honeysuckle, western trumpet honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera conjugialis [purpleflower honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera dasystyla [Tonkinese honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera dioica [limber honeysuckle, glaucous honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera etrusca [Etruscan honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera flava [yellow honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera fragrantissima [winter honeysuckle, fragrant honeysuckle, January jasmine, Chinese honeysuckle, kiss-me-at-the-gate, sweet breath of spring]
└·Lonicera × heckrottii [golden flame honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera hellenica [Greek honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera hildebrandiana [giant Burmese honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera hirsuta [hairy honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera hispidula [pink honeysuckle, California honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera interrupta [chaparral honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera involucrata [bearberry honeysuckle, bracted honeysuckle, twinberry honeysuckle, Californian Honeysuckle, twin-berry, black twinberry]
└·Lonicera japonica [Japanese honeysuckle, golden-and-silver honeysuckle, 인동덩굴]: 개화: 5월~8월; 노란색, 백색
└·Lonicera korolkowii [blueleaf honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera maackii [Amur honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera morrowii [Morrow's honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera nigra [black-berried honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera nitida [boxleaf honeysuckle, box honeysuckle, Wilson's honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera oblongifolia [swamp fly honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera periclymenum [honeysuckle, common honeysuckle, European honeysuckle, woodbine]
└·Lonicera pileata [box-leaved honeysuckle, privet honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera pilosa [Mexican honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera reticulata [grape honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera ruprechtiana [Manchurian honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera sempervirens [coral honeysuckle, trumpet honeysuckle, scarlet honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera splendida [evergreen honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera standishii [Standish's honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera subspicata [southern honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera tatarica [Tatarian honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera utahensis [Utah honeysuckle, red twinberry, fly honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera villosa [mountain fly honeysuckle]
└·Lonicera xylosteum [fly honeysuckle, European fly honeysuckle, dwarf honeysuckle, fly woodbine]Image: Lonicera japonica | CC-PD
Date: 6 September 2007
Author: Rob Hille
Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lonicera_japonica_0.1_R.jpgImage: Lonicera tatarica | CC-PD
Date: 6 April 2014
Author: AnRo0002
Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20140406Lonicera_tatarica03.jpgImage: Lonicera japonica _ CC-PD
Image: Lonicera tatarica _ CC-PD
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