도전, 니나 도브레브손 가는 대로/그냥 2021. 1. 12. 01:55
Challenge, Nina Dobrev It was challenging because it’s not me. I went to a lot of web sites that dealt with teenage pregnancy. I read a lot of stories about girls having to go through what Mia did [Mia is Nina's character on Degrassi]. There’s the alienation factor and there are all the stories and rumors, having everybody judge you. It isn’t easy. - Nina Dobrev, referring to playing a teenage m..
도전, 니나 도브레브손 가는 대로/그냥 2021. 1. 8. 08:52
Challenge, Nina Dobrev Every role is a challenge. I want to keep doing everything… I want to try to do things that aren’t similar to one another. - Nina Dobrev 모든 역할이 다 도전적이죠. 나는 모든 일을 계속하기를 원해요. 나는 해보지 않은 것들을 시도하기를 원해요. - 니나 도브레브 (Nina Dobrev | Nina Constantinova Dobrev) 영화배우 Image: Nina Dobrev | Date: 14 July 2012 | Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America | Wikiemedia C..