[10/27] 들장미 [brier, briar, briar rose, wild rose]손 가는 대로/꽃, 식물 2020. 10. 27. 01:13728x90
[10/27] 들장미 [brier, briar, briar rose, wild rose]
학명(學名, binomial name): Rosa
이명(異名): 들장미, brier, briar, briar rose, wild rose
계(界, Kingdom): 식물계(Plantae)
문(門, Division): 속씨식물문, 피자식물문(Angiospermae), 현화식물문(Anthophyta)
강(綱, Class): 쌍떡잎식물강(Dicotyledoneae)
목(目, Order): 장미목(Rosales)
과(科,Family): 장미과(Rosaceae)
속(屬, Genus): 장미속(Rosa)
종(種, Species): Rosa acicularis 등
꽃말: 고독(孤獨, solitude), 주의깊다(to be careful); 시(poem); 소박한 아름다움(plain beauty)
Image: Wild roses | CC-PD | Date: Unknown | Author: Conrad Kiesel (1846–1921) | Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD) | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Conrad_Kiesel_-_The_wild_roses.jpg
Image: Wild roses | CC-PD | Date: April 1890 - May 1890 | Author: Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) | Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD) | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wild_roses_-_Google_Art_Project.jpgFile:Vincent van Gogh - Wild roses - Google Art Project.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:Vincent van Gogh - Wild roses - Google Art Project.jpg From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to navigation Jump to search
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