변화 2손 가는 대로/[詩] 2024. 5. 7. 07:00728x90
변화 2
변해야 하는 것은
꿈쩍도 하지 않으려 하고
변하지 않아야 하는 것은
자꾸만 변해간다
물흐르듯 놓아둘 수도 없고
거스르기는 힘든
보이지 않는 힘은
가고 싶은 곳과 떠내려가는 곳
둘 사이에 괴리를 키운다
Image from Playground AI Change 2
What needs to change is
Not to budge at all
What should not change is
Changing unceasingly
We cannot let it flow
But It's hard to be against it
The flow,
The invisible force
Enlarges the gap between
Where we want to go and where we are goingImage by Sky Mane from Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/childhood-paper-boat-simple-paper-3559166/ Photo by Janis Fasel on Unsplash, https://unsplash.com/photos/white-paper-boat-on-water-pF-llHgCZ5U 728x90