Learning, Confucius손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 1. 6. 23:52728x90
Learning, Confucius
溫故而知新 可以爲師矣
- 論語 爲政篇
"Reviewing the old and understanding the new makes one fit to be a teacher."
- Confucius
It means that by constantly revisiting what you've learned and reflecting upon it, you can gain new insights and understanding, making you capable of guiding others.
In a way, it's about the continuous process of learning and growth—recognizing that there's always something new to learn, even from the things we think we already know well. It encourages us to be lifelong learners and always strive for deeper understanding.
https://youtube.com/shorts/q8Wvx2cZr48728x90'손 가는 대로 > 인용구' 카테고리의 다른 글
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