선셋크레이터볼케노천연기념물 (Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument) (2015)발 가는... [Americas]/[US-AZ]Arizona 2021. 3. 28. 08:36
선셋크레이터볼케노천연기념물 (Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument) (2015) Arizona Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument (U.S. National Park Service) The Destruction and Rebirth of a Landscape The cinder cone volcano's rim is the dusky red of sunset, but the crater is only part of the story. Around 1085 the ground began to shake, and lava spewed high into the air. When the eruption fini..
월넛캐니언국립천연기념물 (Walnut Canyon National Monument) (2015)발 가는... [Americas]/[US-AZ]Arizona 2021. 3. 28. 08:32
월넛캐니언국립천연기념물 (Walnut Canyon National Monument) (2015) Arizona Walnut Canyon National Monument (U.S. National Park Service) Remarkable Rocks and Ancient Cliff Dwellings Come gaze across curved canyon walls. Among the remarkable geological formations of the canyon itself, the former homes of ancient inhabitants are easily evident. Along the trails you can imagine life within Wal ..
우팟키국립천연기념물 (Wupatki National Monument) (2015)발 가는... [Americas]/[US-AZ]Arizona 2021. 3. 28. 08:25
우팟키국립천연기념물 (Wupatki National Monument) Arizona Wupatki National Monument (U.S. National Park Service) Experience A Legacy Nestled between the Painted Desert and ponderosa highlands of northern Arizona, Wupatki is a landscape of legacies. Ancient pueblos dot red-rock outcroppings across miles of prairie. Where food and water seem impossible to find, people Wupatki Pu..
Pinnacles National Park - Wild Flower발 가는... [Americas]/[US-CA]California 2021. 3. 14. 09:15
Pinnacles National Park - Wild Flower 또 하나의 재미, 야생화. 다양한 작은 꽃들이 군데군데 무리지어 있습니다. Flora of Pinnacles National Park Image: Calystegia subacaulis ssp. subacaulis — Hillside false bindweed; Balconies Cliffs Trail in Pinnacles National Park, in San Benito County, California | Date: 9 May 2010 | Author: Eric in SF | Source: Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unport..
Mojave National Preserve 인근 숙소 (2015)발 가는... [Americas]/[US-CA]California 2021. 3. 14. 08:28
Mojave National Preserve 인근 숙소 (2015) Needles, CA Needles는 Mojave National Preserve 의 서남쪽에 있는 도시입니다. 주변 관광지로 니들스 주립공원(Needles Skate Park), 모하비 국립 보호구역(Mojave National Preserve), 레이크 미드 국립 휴양지(Lake Mead National Recreation Area), 데스밸리 국립공원(Death Valley National Park), 킹스캐년 국립공원(Kings Canyon National Park), 하바슈 국립 야생동물 보호구역(Havasu National Wildlife Refuge) 등이 있습니다. 모하비 국립 보호구역의 Hole-in-the-Wall In..
Brookfield Asset Management, US-NY (2013)발 가는... [Americas]/[US-NY]New York 2020. 11. 17. 09:12
Brookfield Asset Management, US-NY (2013) Asset management company Address: 250 Vesey St #15, New York, NY 10281, United States 깔끔하고 고급스러움이 돋보이는 Modern한 Brookfield Asset Management("BAM")의 사무실. Brookfield Place에 위치하고 있습니다. 창밖으로는 멀리 자유의 여신상이 보입니다. 사진으로는 깔끔한 회사 분위기도, 자유의 여신상도 잘 안보이지만... 군더더기 없어 보이는 사무실이었습니다.