
  • [07/07] 구스베리 [gooseberry; Ribes uva-crispa, Ribes grossularia]
    손 가는 대로/꽃, 식물 2020. 7. 7. 02:35

    [07/07] 구스베리 [gooseberry; Ribes uva-crispa, Ribes grossularia]

    학명(學名, binomial name): Ribes uva-crispa(= Ribes grossularia)
    이명(異名): 서양까치밥나무, 양까치밥나무, 구즈베리, gooseberry, wild gooseberry, European gooseberry, English gooseberry
    계(界, Kingdom): 식물계(Plantae)
    문(門, Division): 속씨식물문, 피자식물문(Angiospermae), 현화식물문(Magnoliophyta, Anthophyta)
    강(綱, Class): 쌍떡잎식물강, 쌍자엽식물강(Dicotyledoneae), 목련강(Magnoliopsida)
    목(目, Order): 장미목(Rosales), 범의귀목(Saxifragales)
    과(科, Family): 까치밥나무과(Grossulariaceae), 범의귀과(Saxifragaceae)
    속(屬, Genus): 까치밥나무속(Ribes)
    종(種, Species): Ribes uva-crispa(= Ribes grossularia)
    개화: 4월~5월; 백색

    종소명인 uva-crispa는 구부러진 포도(curved grape)라는 뜻이라고 합니다.

    ● Gooseberry로 불리는 식물들

    •Ribes [까치밥나무속]
    └·Ribes aciculare [Needle-spined gooseberry]
    └·Ribes alpestris [Hedge gooseberry]
    └·Ribes amarum [bitter gooseberry]
    └·Ribes binominatum [Ground gooseberry]
    └·Ribes californicum [Hillside gooseberry, California gooseberry, Monterey gooseberry]
    └·Ribes curvatum [Granite gooseberry]
    └·Ribes cynosbati [Prickly gooseberry, eastern prickly gooseberry, dogberry, dog bramble]
    └·Ribes divaricatum [Spreading gooseberry, wild gooseberry, coast gooseberry, coastal black gooseberry, Parish's gooseberry, Worcesterberry]
    └·Ribes echinellum [Miccosukee gooseberry]
    └·Ribes emodense [Smooth rock currant]
    └·Ribes gayanum [Leather-leaved gooseberry]
    └·Ribes grossularioides [Japanese gooseberry, catberry]
    └·Ribes hirtellum [American gooseberry, hairy-stem gooseberry, hairy gooseberry, wedge-leaf gooseberry, currant gooseberry]
    └·Ribes inerme [Whitestem gooseberry, Klamath gooseberry]
    └·Ribes lacustre [Black booseberry, prickly currant, black swamp gooseberry]
    └·Ribes lasianthum [Alpine gooseberry]
    └·Ribes leptanthum [Trumpet gooseberry]
    └·Ribes lobbii [Gummy gooseberry]
    └·Ribes marshallii [Hupa gooseberry]
    └·Ribes menziesii [Canyon gooseberry, Menzies' gooseberry]
    └·Ribes missouriense [Missouri gooseberry]
    └·Ribes montigenum [Gooseberry currant]
    └·Ribes niveum [Snow gooseberry, slender-branched gooseberry]
    └·Ribes oxyacanthoides [American mountain gooseberry, Canadian gooseberry, stream gooseberry, Henderson's gooseberry, Idaho gooseberry]
    └·Ribes quercetorum [Rock gooseberry]
    └·Ribes roezlii [Sierra gooseberry, Roezl's gooseberry]
    └·Ribes rotundifolium [Appalachian gooseberry, round-leaved gooseberry]
    └·Ribes sericeum [Lucia gooseberry]
    └·Ribes sinanense [Chinese gooseberry]
    └·Ribes speciosum [Fuchsia-flowered gooseberry]
    └·Ribes tularense [Tulare gooseberry]
    └·Ribes uva-crispa [gooseberry, wild gooseberry, European gooseberry, English gooseberry]
    └·Ribes velutinum [Desert gooseberry, Gooding's gooseberry]
    └·Ribes viburnifolium [Island gooseberry]
    └·Ribes victoris [Victor's gooseberry]
    └·Ribes watsonianum [Spring gooseberry]

    └·Byrsonima lucida [clam cherry, gooseberry, locust berry, Long Key locustberry]
    └·Dovyalis hebecarpa [Ceylon gooseberry, ketembilla, kitambilla]
    └·Pereskia aculeata [Barbados gooseberry]
    └·Phyllanthus acidus [Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Tahitian gooseberry, Country gooseberry, Star gooseberry, Starberry, West India gooseberry, Gooseberry tree]
    └·Phyllanthus acuminatus [Jamaican gooseberry tree]
    └·Phyllanthus emblica [Indian gooseberry]
    └·Physalis angulata [angular winter cherry, balloon cherry, cutleaf groundcherry, gooseberry, hogweed, wild tomato, camapu]
    └·Physalis peruviana [Cape gooseberry]
    └·Sauropus androgynus [katuk, star gooseberry, sweet leaf]
    └·Withania somnifera [ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, winter cherry]

    Image: Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry) | CC-PD
    Date: 26 March 2014
    Author: AnRo0002
    Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)

    Image: Ribes menziesii (canyon gooseberry, Menzies' gooseberry) | CC-PD
    Date: 15 March 2007
    Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)

    Image: Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry) _ CC-PDImage: Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry) _ CC-PD

    Image: Ribes menziesii (canyon gooseberry, Menzies' gooseberry) _ CC-PDImage: Ribes menziesii (canyon gooseberry, Menzies' gooseberry) _ CC-PD






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