
  • [07/07] 까치밥나무 [currant; Ribes mandshuricum]
    손 가는 대로/꽃, 식물 2020. 7. 7. 01:23

    [07/07] 까치밥나무 [currant; Ribes mandshuricum]

    학명(學名, binomial name): Ribes mandshuricum
    이명(異名): 까치밥, 산앵도, 차표자
    계(界, Kingdom): 식물계(Plantae)
    문(門, Division): 속씨식물문, 피자식물문(Angiospermae), 현화식물문(Magnoliophyta, Anthophyta)
    강(綱, Class): 쌍떡잎식물강, 쌍자엽식물강(Dicotyledoneae), 목련강(Magnoliopsida)
    목(目, Order): 장미목(Rosales), 범의귀목(Saxifragales)
    과(科, Family): 까치밥나무과(Grossulariaceae), 범의귀과(Saxifragaceae)
    속(屬, Genus): 까치밥나무속(Ribes)
    종(種, Species): Ribes mandshuricum
    개화: 5월~6월; 녹색, 노란색

    꽃말: 예상(expectation); 풍요(豊饒, abundance), 숨겨진 사랑(hidden love); 진실(眞實, truth), 명랑(明朗, cheerfulness)

    칠월칠석인 음력 7월 7일 아침에 담장 위에 밥을 올려두어서, 견우와 직녀를 위해 오작교를 놓아 준 것에 보답하는 풍습이 있었습니다. 음력과 양력이 다르기는 하지만 까치밥을 주는 풍습과 까치밥나무의 탄생화가 모두 7월 7월이랍니다.

    ● 유사종

    •개앵두나무 [Ribes mandshuricum var.subglabrum]: 잎은 뒷면 맥위에만 털이 있고 꽃차례에 털이 적으며 지리산 및 백두산에서 자람.
    • 카란트 [garden currant]: 재배종으로서 수술이 꽃받침보다 짧으며 유럽에서 들어옴.
    •구즈베리 [서양까치밥나무, Ribes grossularia]: 잎은 둥글고 양면에 털이 많으며 가장자리에도 털이 남

    ● Currant로 불리는 식물들

    •Ribes [까치밥나무속]
    └·Ribes acerifolium [mapleleaf currant, maple-leaved currant]
    └·Ribes alpinum [Alpine currant]
    └·Ribes altissimum [Tall currant]
    └·Ribes americanum [American blackcurrant, wild blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes aureum [Buffalo currant, clove currant, golden currant]
    └·Ribes bracteosum [Stink currant]
    └·Ribes canthariforme [Moreno currant]
    └·Ribes cereum [Squaw currant, wax currant, white field currant, whiskey currant]
    └·Ribes cruentum [Shinyleaf currant, Oregon currant]
    └·Ribes diacanthum [Siberian currant]
    └·Ribes distans [Scarlet currant]
    └·Ribes erythrocarpum [Crater Lake currant]
    └·Ribes fasciculatum [Japanese currant]
    └·Ribes glaciale [Glacier currant]
    └·Ribes glandulosum [Skunk currant, fetid currant]
    └·Ribes hudsonianum [Northern blackcurrant, Hudson Bay currant, western blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes indecorum [White-flowered currant]
    └·Ribes japonicum [Japanese blackcurrant, thornless blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes lacustre [Black booseberry, prickly currant, black swamp gooseberry]
    └·Ribes latifolium [Broadleaf currant]
    └·Ribes laurifolium [Evergreen currant]
    └·Ribes laxiflorum [Trailing blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes longeracemosum [Tibet thornless blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes luridum [Purple currant]
    └·Ribes malvaceum [Chaparral currant]
    └·Ribes mandschuricum [Manchurian redcurrant]
    └·Ribes maximowiczianum [common Korean currant]
    └·Ribes mescalerium [Mescalero currant]
    └·Ribes meyeri [Meyer's currant]
    └·Ribes montigenum [Gooseberry currant]
    └·Ribes nevadense [Sierra currant, Jaeger's currant, Nevada currant]
    └·Ribes nigrum [Blackcurrant, European blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes orientale [Siberian currant]
    └·Ribes petraeum [Rock currant, rock redcurrant, Bieberstein's rock currant]
    └·Ribes pinetorum [Orange currant]
    └·Ribes procumbens [Trailing redcurrant]
    └·Ribes rubrum [Redcurrant]
    └·Ribes sanguineum [Flowering currant, redflower currant, blood currant, sticky blood currant, blackseed blood currant, winter currant]
    └·Ribes sardoum [Sardinian currant]
    └·Ribes setosum [Missouri currant]
    └·Ribes silvestre [Woodland currant]
    └·Ribes spicatum [Nordic redcurrant, Nordic currant, downy currant]
    └·Ribes stenocarpum [Narrow-fruited currant]
    └·Ribes triste [Northern redcurrant, swamp redcurrant, wild redcurrant]
    └·Ribes ussuriense [Korean blackcurrant]
    └·Ribes viscosissimum [Sticky currant]
    └·Ribes warszewiczii [Downy currant]
    └·Ribes wolfii [Wolf's currant]

    └·Amelanchier canadensis [bilberry, Canadian serviceberry, chuckleberry, currant-tree, juneberry, shadblow serviceberry, shadblow, shadbush, shadbush serviceberry, sugarplum, thicket serviceberry]
    └·Mahonia trifoliolata [agarita, agrito, algerita, currant-of-Texas, wild currant, chaparral berry]
    └·Miconia calvescens [velvet tree, miconia, bush currant]
    └·Leucopogon parviflorus [coast beard-heath, native currant]
    └·Solanum pimpinellifolium [currant tomato]

    Image: Ribes mandshuricum | CC-PD
    Date: 12 August 2012
    Author: Daderot
    Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)

    Image: Ribes nigrum (black currant) | CC-PD
    Date: 27 February 2013
    Author: Fæ
    Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD)

    Image: Ribes mandshuricum _ CC-PDImage: Ribes mandshuricum _ CC-PD

    Image: Ribes nigrum (black currant) _ CC-PDImage: Ribes nigrum (black currant) _ CC-PD





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