[10/25] 단풍나무 [Palmate maple; Acer palmatum]손 가는 대로/꽃, 식물 2020. 10. 25. 01:55728x90
[10/25] 단풍나무 [Palmate maple; Acer palmatum]
학명(學名, binomial name): Acer palmatum
이명: Korean maple, red emperor maple, palmate maple
계(界, Kingdom): 식물계(Plantae)
문(門, Division): 속씨식물문, 현화식물문(Magnoliophyta), 피자식물문(Angiospermae)
강(綱, Class): 쌍떡잎식물강, 목련강(Magnoliopsida)
목(目, Order): 무환자나무목(Sapindales)
과(科, Family): 단풍나무과(Aceraceae), 무환자나무과(Sapindaceae)
속(屬, Genus): 단풍나무속(Acer)
종(種, Species): Acer palmatum
개화: 4월~5월
꽃말: 자제(自制, control), 염려(念慮, fear, worry); 사양(辭讓, refusal), 은둔(隱遁, seclusion)
Image: Acer palmatum (Palmate maple) | CC-PD | Date: 7 November 2014 | Author: AnRo0002 | Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD) | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20141107Acer_palmatum.jpg
Image: Acer palmatum (Palmate maple) | CC-PD | Date: 30 October 2011| Author: Tangopaso | Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD) | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Acer_palmatum_atropurpureum_(Rentilly).jpg
Image: Acer palmatum (Palmate maple) | CC-PD | Date: 9 October 2005| Author: Unknown | Source: Wikimedia Commons in the public domain (CC-PD) | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WalkAmidMaples2.jpgFile:WalkAmidMaples2.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
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