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Curiosity, English Proverb손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 16. 23:49
Curiosity, English Proverb"Curiosity killed the cat"- English Proverb#Curiosity #EnglishProverbs #Cats #English #proverbs #quotes #quotationsThe phrase "Curiosity killed the cat" is an old proverb that warns against excessive curiosity or prying into things that might lead to trouble or danger. It suggests that being too inquisitive can sometimes have negative consequences.The full version is so..
Investment, George Soros손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 16. 10:12
Investment, George Soros"It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong." – George Soros#Investment #George Soros #investing #George #Soros #investors #riskmanagementRisk management is key in investing. Even the best investors make mistakes, but the goal is to minimize losses and maximize gains when c..
Happiness, Steve Maraboli손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 16. 09:11
Happiness, Steve Maraboli"Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them." – Steve Maraboli#Happiness #SteveMaraboli #Steve #Maraboli #life #problemsLife will always have ups and downs, but true happiness comes from handling problems with a positive mindset.https://youtube.com/shorts/UXYPwEwiKnIhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1scpabv9H8UaTUI8HztCxEfWlLV7Z5eT&si=..
Difficulties, Dan Reeves손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 15. 18:53
Difficulties, Dan Reeves"Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter." – Dan Reeves#Difficulties #DanReeves #Challenges #Dan #Reeves #quotes #quotationsChallenges help us grow. Instead of letting hardships bring you down, use them as a stepping stone.https://youtube.com/shorts/eskitkycL5E?si=_28CuEE2gJCnf37Yhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1scpabv9H8UaTUI8HztCxEfWlLV7Z5eT&..
Cheer up, Alice Morse Earle손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 15. 06:51
Cheer up, Alice Morse Earle"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." – Alice Morse Earle#CheerUp #AliceMorseEarle #Alice #Morse #Earle #uplifting #quotes #quotationsEven when things seem tough, there’s always something positive to find if you look for it.https://youtube.com/shorts/AdKN8rnBA-Ihttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1scpabv9H8UaTUI8HztCxEfWlLV7Z5eT&si=6r_y..
Seattle, Jeff Bezos손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 14. 10:42
Seattle, Jeff Bezos“In Seattle, you haven’t had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it’s running.” —Jeff Bezos#Seattle #JeffBezos #coffee #quotes #quotationsA playful nod to Seattle’s coffee culture, this quote by Amazon’s founder highlights the city's obsession with caffeine, home to Starbucks and countless independent coffee shops.https://youtube.com/shorts/3Zmha9-7k-Uhtt..
Happiness, Milton S. Hershey손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 14. 08:44
Happiness, Milton S. Hershey"One is only happy in proportion as he makes others feel happy."- Milton S. Hershey#Happiness #MiltonSHershey #Happy #Milton #Hershey #quotes #quotationsHershey believed in philanthropy and giving back to the community. This quote reflects his philosophy that true happiness comes from making a positive impact on others.https://youtube.com/shorts/616MRRpvM0o
Investment, Philip Fisher손 가는 대로/인용구 2025. 2. 9. 18:10
Investment, Philip Fisher"The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing." – Philip Fisher#Investment #PhilipFisher #quotes #price #valueThis quote highlights the difference between price and intrinsic value. Many investors focus only on stock prices, but true success comes from understanding the underlying value of a company.https://youtub..